These are the rules, LOL I think, so please correct so new people understand.
AOYT: 1 point for entering any monthly Category
1 point third place that month
2 points second place that month
3 points first place that month
So if you have a first place fish in a category you'll get 4 points for the month
At the end of the year, you'll get 5 bonus points if you have the biggest fish in a category.
It you've entered a WTA(winner take all) the biggest fish wins that pot.
1 point for attending club functions and points are in addition to the monthly derby
1 point third place at function
2 points second place at function
3 points first place at function
So if you have a first place fish in a category you'll get 4 points for the function
If your fish also wins the monthly, you'll get 4 points. You'll get 8 points total for that month.
Derbies: $5 third, $10 second, $Rest of the pot
Perch(only barred and redtail)
Trout(only rainbow and brown, gutted and gilled)
Salmon(gutted and gilled)
Tuna(only Albacore)
All others no restrictions other than Fish and Game regulations
I looked at the previous newsletters. Steve has the biggest catfish, Ling, and Salmon. Judd has the biggest striper. So its Steve(58 = 43+5+5+5), Judd(43 =38+5), Ed(43)